More Elvish Dress progress

Having nothing to work on at the moment, I pulled out some grey velvet I've had laying around since 2006 and started making an elf gown.The pieces are all just cut out and pinned together right now, and the silver and white fabric pinned at the top (leftover from another project) is going to be the sleeve uppers and neckline trim (I just draped it on to get an idea of the look). Lower sleeves will be chiffon.

Wasn’t planning on working on it anymore tonight, but went back at it for a while. Got the sides fitted and sewn up, and the hem pinned. Cut out the upper sleeves and pulled out some silver trim leftover from Marie Antoinette I think I’ll use on it.

I need to decide what I want to use for the lower sleeves because I’m going to get to them sooner than I thought, at this point.